Monday 14 February 2011

Hammerhead Report. A good Game and new friends

Well our first fund raising game went well ,we raised a nice  amount for the Royal British Legion , and everyone that played enjoyed the scenario ,we had a mix of new players  and old. Most importantly we met some new friends and I would like to thank Chesterfield Open Gaming Society ( G.O.G.S) for being our hosts .The Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers (S.O.T.C.W) who based on the table adjacent to ours helped with our fund raising , and the guys at Critical Mass Games whose figures we will be using for our tommorow war games , the Critical Mass team kindly sponsered us . And a special mention to the gent who kindly pointed out we were using the wrong shade of flock to represent afghanistan grass  ?.A great Venue and a nice show .

Games in Progress

1 comment:

  1. "And a special mention to the gent who kindly pointed out we were using the wrong shade of flock to represent afghanistan grass" There's always one (sometimes more) at a show. I particularly remember the chap who wanted to discuss the finer pints of Italian AT ammunition. I tried pointing out that this was of limited relevance in a game covering six months on the Eastern Front in ten minutes. Sometimes I have felt it neccessary to be quite blunt with these people, otherwise nobody else gets a look in.
