Sunday, 5 January 2025

Rashaar versus Guild a Carnevale game

Du=id quite a large game today which was great fun and the 3d terrain adds a lot being able to represent where figures are actually balancing on Baclonys etc . The object of the game was for the Guild to defend an artifact while the Rashaar did their best to find it and destroy it . The first couple of moves where just manovering into position but soon turned into a fierce battle which ended with a victory for the guild as Time ran out for the Rashaar ,the guild managed to hold them up with some stunning Die rolls and delaying atctics although a Fiusherman and somne civilians maanged to get a sneak attack on the Mage which almost got them a total victory .

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Carnevale - Venice

Had lots of buildings bought me for Christmas for Carnevale and have got them all built and painted ,well not quite all these went to gether really well and had no problems untiul the last one which was not cut through properly and the walls and windowa were printed out of line ,but great custoomer service and a new one is being printed and sent out to me . Greta Scenery for a great game and actually adds to the game play not just making it lok better .

Friday, 3 January 2025

Arab -Israeli Air Wars update

Got a few more Aircraft done for my Project ,still lots more to do but enough to get a couple of games in . The latest offerings are Egyptian Mig 17's and some more 21's need another 2 17's and 12 Mig21's to be able to do all the Scenarios I have ,for the Israelis some A4 Skyhawks know as Ahit (Eagle) by the Israeli's. There is one pic showing all the planes in their little magnetic carry box .

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Is that a Mirage

For my last post of 2024 I thought I would show my progress on the Arab Israeli air wars project ,I ahvent toughed it for a while and other that the Egyptian Mig 21's and the IL28's I did ages ago I havent opened the box so I thought I had better crack on so just finished some Shahaks ( Mirage 111) and some Nesher ( a much modified and israeli Built Mirage 5 ) . The h=uge Orangew flashes on the wings and tail planes on the Neshers was to prevent friendly fire when the Egyptians began using Mirage 5s On my work bench and probably my first post of 2025 are some more Eyptian Migs 17's and 21's and some Israeli Ahits (A4 Skyhawks ) all toys are tumbling dice and decals are from flight deck

Friday, 27 December 2024

Hellboy =The Lobster & Professor Bruttonholm and Young Hellboy

Dug out a couple of my Limited Edition figures for the Hellboy Board Game by Mantic The comic version of The Lobster and Professor Broom with a young Hellboy carried in his arms . Both boxed figures come with cards for the game .

Monday, 23 December 2024

Pulcinella Pub Crawl

Finished another box of Carnevale Figures ,more for the Guild this time the Pulcinella Pub Crawl a great set of Pulcinella using various barrels and broken bottles as weapons including one using some spirit as a flame thrower . Taking a little break now and will start the new year off with something else ,I might revisit my Arab-Israeli air war project .

Thursday, 19 December 2024

The Princes Court

Trying to get through my Carnevale figure mountain so cracked on with these ,the Princes Court . The Prince of Thieves is backed up by Two Baroni which add long range fire power and the pilferers cause havoc stealing itenms and objectives ,lovely resin figures and I also managed to get a second Gondola finished to populate the Canals of Venice .

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Old Venice

I really enjoy playing Carnevale by Table Top games so started to buy the MDF sceneryt they make to compliment the game , I started off with some street sections to give that proper canal feeling and my first building was the Small Boat yard ,it seems that my lovely missus has spoken to Santa and I will have a full venetian set up if I behave ,The mat is from Tiny wargames and very nice and inexpensive ,this will replace the card board tiles and buildings that come with the starter set .

Monday, 25 November 2024

Who Dares Wins

After recently finishing my Desert SAS ,I realised I have probably figures for post conflicts the SAS havebeen involved in so i dug them all out and here they are with a short description without going into too much detail ,the SAS must have more book and Documentaries about them than any other force.
The guys who started it all David Sterlings desert warriors who caused mayhem for the Germans and their allies all over North Africa and the Mederteranian .The Minis are from Eskice
Quite often forgotten the SAS struck into occupied Europe in the later stages of ww2 the regiment wore Red Berets at this stage of their history. Wargames Atlantic plastic figures The SAS proved succesful in the Malayan jungle after ww2 and its wasnt long before the Australians formed their own regiment which saw lots of action in the Jungles of Vietnam .Figures by Empress
The Falklands war saw some Special Forces action Gripping Beast figures
The Iranian Embassy siege was probably the first most people knew of the SAS that live TV broadcast certainly started my interest figures by Patrick
Later Sas units for the Jungle and urban anti terrorist action Mainly Spectre Miniatures
With the Rogue Warriors range of rules and supplements all the above periods can be covered with one basic system We Sleep Soundly in our Beds Because Rough Men Stand ready in the night to visit Violence on who would do us harm . credited to Winston Churchill